Families » School Supplies

School Supplies

Dear Parents,


We are excited to announce a positive change to our school supplies system for the upcoming 2024-2025 academic year. Starting next school year, teachers will be responsible for ordering their own supplies for their classes. This change aims to make the process more affordable, easier to manage, and reduce waste. By allowing teachers to directly select the materials they need, we anticipate a more efficient distribution process and a better alignment with classroom needs. We hope to ensure that resources are utilized effectively while minimizing unnecessary expenses.


Funds will be collected from student fees and allocated toward the cost of classroom supplies. In August please pay your 2024-2025 School Supplies Fee at SchoolCash Online: https://sd48seatosky.schoolcashonline.com/. This item will not be available until August! You will be notified via email. 


Thank you for your continued support as we strive to enhance the educational experience for our students. Should you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out.


Warm regards,

Myrtle Philip Community School